Human right #24:

The right to play
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, to have a reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays with pay. It is imperative to have time to play and have some fun. This right is important because people need some rest and fun. We need to play and have some time out without working or doing tasks every day, so we can "recharge our batteries". This way, when we are doing our tasks or working, we can do everything with more efficiency, do it faster, with enthusiasm and love, helping better our community.
Human right #22

The right to social security:
We all have the right to afford a house, medicine, the education, childcare and the medical help we need when we're older. This is of outmost importance because without health we cannot achieve anything in life. People have basic needs, and these are one of them, since without shelter, medicine and childcare we cannot have health or security. Additionally, without education we can not hope for growth or for a better world for our children.